Saturday, February 27, 2010

Will it ever end??

After having one exam Thurs and another Fri last week, neither of which were even close to being "easy," I had to turn right back around and prepare for a test on Fri (yesterday). This one involved sooo much information, I barely had time to go through it all. And to make it even better, it's a 5 credit hour class (which means it carries a lot of weight). I studied all weekend and all week long. My brain felt like mush by Friday, and the test was brutal. I hate walking away and having no idea how I did because my mind usually goes towards the worst. "If I guessed wrong on this many questions, then I'm screwed" - that kind of thing.

To decompress, I went home and took Duncan on a walk. That didn't help at all because it was super windy and cold, so it made my ears hurt. My next attempt at decompressing: I watched "Julie & Julia." Such a cute movie. It made we want to go get Julia Child's cookbook and start working through it, too (I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that after seeing the movie). I guess if I don't make it through anesthesia school, maybe there are other options for me.

It's not French, but I did make skirt steak tacos and guacamole for dinner. I'm not sure what Julie Powell or Julia Child would've thought of that, but they were pretty yummy. And it helped relieve a little stress. Now, the cycle begins again today. Is it Dec 2011 yet??

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