Saturday, April 17, 2010

School, wedding, school, wedding, and more school...

School and wedding. That's pretty much all my life consists of right now. School more so than wedding really. I do have one more week before finals. A little time to catch my breath and try to catch up before the cycle starts again. It is easier said than done though. I've been trying to write my final paper for ethics, and you wouldn't believe the things that have distracted me (like updating my blog...).

As far as weddings go, I did finally find a wedding gown. I think it's really pretty and is exactly what I was looking for - simple and elegant. It came into the store yesterday, and I should be able to pick it up next week. For a while, I thought I was going to be the only bride without a dress! Additionally, Collin got fitted for his tux yesterday. He was getting ancy about not having it ready on time (he's decided to buy one), so we went and picked one out so that it will be ready soon.

Next weekend, I'm going to B'ham for a baby shower (my future sister-in-law's) and a bridal tea (for me). I will also get to finalize some wedding details, like the reception food. That has been the biggest pain. My wedding planner has been awesome in negotiating with them, but I still feel like I'm being taken advantage of. The problem is, it's probably the best deal in B'ham. The businesses there probably have a pact to take a bride for all they're worth. If only Del Toro was big enough...

On another note, I did lose my keys...again. I must have inherited this from my mother. Not the car keys this time though. It's possible that they're in the apt somewhere, but I have no idea where. For now, I'm using the spare keys. I just hope I don't lose those too because then I'd really be SOL...

Crossing my fingers that I don't lose my mind soon...

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