Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Football is in the Air

Those things in the picture are what the UPS man brought to my house yesterday. Tickets - 4 sets of beautiful tickets. I couldn't help but get excited. In one month from today, the Crimson Tide will be back on the field in Atlanta to take on Va Tech. I've been preparing myself today by watching highlights from last season - gives me chills.

Sadly, I'm also having to remind myself that I won't be using most of those tickets. I knew that was part of the deal when I moved, but it still hurts. The Tuscaloosa sun, rows of Crimson clad fans, houndstooth, "Yea, Alabama," sea of tailgaters, touchdowns, Eli Gold, and the greatest tradition in college favorite time of year.

I've gone to at least one game every season for the past 10 years, and I'm not stopping now. I'll make it to at least one. (Unless I make friends with someone with a private plane that can fly me into Tuscaloosa every Saturday...a girl can only dream...) There's a large group of alumni in the DC area, so I'll be spending my Saturdays with them, cheering on the Tide. Roll Tide Roll!!

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