Friday, June 26, 2009

Mr. Duncan Goes to Washington

Duncan has had a difficult transition to the city. When we first got here, he went crazy over all the new smells and couldn't help but try to make new friends with every dog he saw even if they were half a mile away. Walks became quite annoying. Luckily, he's growing more accustomed, and he's realizing that this is where he lives now.

One of our favorite walks is towards the Lincoln Memorial, which is a little over 2.5 miles. We walk in front of the Capitol (he usually has a good potty there - not sure what kind of statement he's trying to make) and down the National Mall to the Washington Monument. Sometimes we just walk around the monument to the White House, and other times we cross the street and go to the WWII Memorial and down to the Lincoln Memorial. You never know what or who you're going to see on these walks. Yesterday, we watched the presidential motorcade go by.

He always loves these walks. He loves the outdoors and the smells it brings. He always gets stopped by children who want to pet him, and little ladies who share their ice cubes. And he makes a few four-legged friends along the way. It's also nice to get outside and enjoy the history that's literally in my backyard.


  1. i love that duncan poos at the capital. that's a bold move.

    i hope you three are settling in up there! you can now count me as an official blog stalker. i'll be a frequent commenter too just so you can know you are loved. tgif!


  2. Thanks, Courtney! I appreciate a good stalker, especially since I may have stalked your blog a time or two :).
