Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Capitol Fourth

Pretty awesome, isn't it? This year I spent July 4th in our nation's capital. I realize that this is not where the actual signing of the Declaration of Independence occurred, but you really can't get much closer.

I celebrated most of the day at the hospital. Nothing was wrong with me, but unfortunately, other people forget that you're not supposed to be sick on weekends and holidays. (This is one of the downsides of my otherwise fabulously flexible occupation.) Thankfully, they tend to reward you for being there while others barbecue. It also makes you appreciate the blessing of good health. And, don't worry, nurses definitely know how to make the best of the situation.

Collin's sister and brother-in-law Kelly and Brad were in town from Birmingham, so after changing into normal clothes, I met up with the 3 of them near the Capitol (which is also blocks away from my house). We first stopped at a park a short distance from the National Mall with a good view of the Washington Monument, but since this was my first DC 4th, they all graciously agreed to walk to the Mall. When we got to the Capitol, the first shot was fired, and we broke into a(n almost) dead sprint to get a better view. We ended up in a spot in the middle of the Mall and had a great view. There was an enormous amount of people (estimated to be in the "hundreds of thousands") all oohing and ahing. The show was spectacular - an awesome pyrotechnic display.

As short as my July 4th celebration was, I couldn't have asked for more. It was so good to see Kelly and Brad and have them join us for the holiday. The USA may have her problems, but it's still the greatest country on earth, and I got to celebrate that in a place where so much of our nation's history has occurred.

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